The Mutual Fund Investor
Version 3.8 - Free!
4 MB Installation file
The Software
The Mutual Fund Investor is a
comprehensive software program that allows you to make important
decisions about your mutual fund investments quickly and easily.
This full-featured program for financial planners and individual
investors enables all aspects of mutual fund investing to be
performed conveniently, professionally, and in a customized fashion.
Online Manual
The help manual that accompanies the program during installation
may be viewed online
Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10/11
Comparing Performance of Funds
Funds may be compared graphically with one another by directly
superimposing their performance curves on top of each other. Or, to
compare the performances of all the funds you monitor, an easy to
read table format is provided. For example, just "point" to any time
interval on any graph, such as the most recent stock market rise or
any market downturn. Then press a key or click a button and a table
appears ranking all your monitored funds from best to worst for the
time interval you chose. This can greatly help you narrow your
investment choice to the two or three recently best performing
funds. You may also compare any fund with market indices (e.g., the
S&P 500), stocks, or any other market indicator (e.g., the prime
rate). The ability to compare funds over any time period you want is
a valuable feature of the program. You won't have to wait for the
next newsletter to come out, and you won't have to be content with
some magazine's arbitrarily chosen year-end to year-end time scale
to examine performances.
Built-In Timing Service
Buy/sell signals are generated by the program based upon moving
averages, a well known method for tracking mutual funds used by
professionals and expensive timing services. Now you can do it
yourself for free, and you can define your own rules for buying and
selling. Every time data is entered for your monitored funds,
buy/sell signals are internally updated by the program ready for you
to examine.
Portfolio Management
Whether you are a financial planner managing thousands of clients,
constantly entering hundreds of transactions, or an individual
managing your own or your family's portfolio, The Mutual Fund
Investor handles your requirements effortlessly and easily. For each
transaction, a comment may be appended to jog your memory at some
later date explaining why the transaction was made. After any
closing price for a security is entered, all portfolios are
automatically updated so that you can assess instantly the status of
an account. Several useful reports can be generated from your
portfolio entries, such as monthly profit/loss reports, total
commissions paid or income received, etc. For any portfolio, you can
immediately display a list of all open accounts, including current
value, number of shares, account numbers, etc. And, you can cross
reference portfolios. For example, suppose you get a sell signal on
one of the funds you monitor. You may instantly generate a report
displaying all portfolios invested in that fund, along with the
pertinent information needed for redeeming or closing the account. A
sophisticated asset allocation feature is also included in the
program containing ten general categories, each with multiple
subcategories. Reports of profit/loss, internal rate of return, and
asset allocation may be generated for one portfolio, all portfolios,
or for any "family" or selected group of portfolios.
Two, three, and four-year daily charts or 5, 10,
15, or 20-year weekly charts may be displayed for any fund along
with one or two moving averages, and you may "zoom" in on any
portion for close examination. From the graphs, you may generate
performance tables and momentum scores. Graphs may be printed or
saved to a file to be later imported to other graphics programs, and
the graphs may be customized for colors, titles, color gradients,
cross hairs, and grids. Relative strength graphs (relative to any
market index or another fund) are also supported along with moving
averages of relative strength.
Data Entry
Flexibility is provided both for the conscientious
investor who wants to track his investments on a daily basis as well
as the casual investor who may only infrequently want to see how
well his investment is performing. For the casual user, data may be
entered haphazardly -- enter data one week, skip a month, enter data
for another week, skip a week, etc. For any investor, if a mistake
is made, you can easily go back and enter the correct data. Data can
be entered manually by looking up the prices in the newspaper or
transferred to and from another program. For added convenience, a
completely automatic retrieval of data over the internet is
available through Dial Data. You simply highlight on the
computer screen those funds and the time interval for which you want
data, and the computer takes care of the rest. It retrieves the
data, plugs it into the program, and calculates all the parameters
you follow as well as updating all your portfolios. For both the
casual and conscientious user, updating precise data is easy, with a
minimum of time and hassle. Distributions are also easily handled,
both for manual input as well as for downloading from Dial Data, and
the program can also automatically enter your distributions as
investment transactions for all portfolios based upon specified
reinvestment options.
Ease of Use
Every aspect of the program was designed so that no sophisticated
knowledge of computers is required. This is a program for investors
- not computer scientists! Help messages are displayed throughout the
program. If you need more help, the entire documentation of the
program (context sensitive help) is on disk and available at the
click of a mouse which brings up the standard Windows help for the
program. A convenient and valuable data management system is also
built right into the program. Automatic and manual data backups are
supported. Restoring from a backup is also very easy.
Ability To Customize The Program
You may substitute any fund, stock, money market account, market
index, or any investment vehicle of your choice into the program. A
"Master List" table with a capacity for thousands of entries (only
limited by disk space) is maintained by the program. From this
table, you may choose any number of securities to monitor which may
be classified under 100 columns that you can name (e.g., Aggressive,
Moderate, Conservative, International, Sector, etc.) to reflect the
nature of the securities in the column. Tables in the program can
also be customized for color and column width.
History and Enhancements
Version 3.8 is the current Windows version. As enhancements and
bug fixes occur, they will be posted here.
Version 3.8 Build 160 - December 14, 2021
- Changed Dial Data connection address to
Version 3.7 Build 158 - April 29, 2018
- Recoded automatic backup routine when program starts - more
accurately reflects choices made (e.g., weekly, monthly, etc.).
Version 3.7 Build 157 - September 4, 2017
- Corrected bug in display Portfolio Report Summary - total
value could have had a penny discrepancy compared to the sum of
the individual securities values.
Version 3.7 Build 156 - October 14, 2014
- Filtered out possible data entry on Saturday/Sunday dates
when downloading from Dial Data, or importing text files.
Version 3.6 Build 155 - December 20, 2010
- Refreshed Main Menu status bar at several points, since it
did not display properly in Windows 7 when starting the program.
Version 3.6 Build 154 - October 18, 2010
- Updates to MFI must now be downloaded directly from this web
site. Downloading from within the program is no longer
- Minor adjustments to display of some tables.
Version 3.6 Build 150 - June 27, 2008
- Installation of program via InstallAware.
Configuration of installation folders complies with Windows
- Deleted feature to convert Version 1 data to current
- Deleted feature to import data from old DOS version.
Version 3.5 Build 132 - May 28, 2006
- Individual columns in Master List Summary Report may be
- Added safety feature for key value assignment when add new
entry into Master List.
Version 3.5 Build 124 - March 23, 2004
- Corrected change in Dial Data font displayed when
downloading data.
- Display information message when no distributions available
(for requested date range) to download from Dial Data.
Version 3.5 Build 123 - January 30, 2004
- Corrected bug in Cost-Basis report affecting testing for
split transaction when closing account.
Version 3.5 Build 120 - September 6, 2003
- Enable downloading distributions of mutual funds or
stocks (dividends) from Dial Data.
- File size of MFI backup files displayed in table in
Backup/Restore section.
- Corrected bug in Cost-Basis report affecting transactions
with splits.
- CUSIP column now display in "Find Master List Entry" dialog
Version 3 Build 115 - January 9, 2003
- Added ability to read Windows registry for new and old
Version 3 Build 110 - December 28, 2002
- New installation interface, incorporating Microsoft's
Windows Installer Service.
Version 3 Build 107 - September 13, 2002
- New feature - FundScope Summary report. If FundScope
installed, a summary of statistics present in the FundScope
database is available and can be printed.
- Bug fix - distributions received as cash now do not
affect total cost calculation, and are displayed in report as
Version 3 Build 105 - August 27, 2002
- New feature - FundScope QuickFill, which fills in Master
List entry fields when adding a new fund to the Master List.
FundScope must be installed to access this feature.
Version 3 Build 104 - August 19, 2002
- Portfolio Summary report information displayed on one line,
report forced to print in Landscape.
- Widened tables so font size problem reported by some
users is fixed.
- Reopen feature enabled, displaying up to 10 most
recently accessed Master Lists.
- Save open/closed accounts display status, comparison
fund, benchmark fund, and last used portfolio when switching
between Master Lists.
Version 3 Build 98 - May 12, 2002
- Graphs of single or multiple portfolios enabled.
- Cost-Basis Report enabled. Previous Cumulative Shares
Report included in Cost-Basis report.
- Color scheme enabled for open/closed accounts on
Master List.
- Find feature added for Master List (useful for large
Master Lists).
- Complete context sensitive help included, with updated
Ticker symbols for Dial Data.
- Deleted ability to download from S&P Micropal as
service no longer exists.
- Enhancements to entering transactions - When deleting,
highlight placed at next record, not at end of table. When
right-click on a displayed record, popup menu prompts to edit or
delete. Can delete blocks of transactions all at once. Expanded
drop-down boxes for securities and portfolios with type-ahead
feature. When enter new record, display in table is at end, not
just before last record.
- Enhancements to entering prices - Edit prices for
active column - form does not close now after entering/editing
price, and can switch between Master List columns. Enable up to
6 decimals for entry. In reports, 3 decimals used (6 for
variable annuities).
- Entering Distributions - Can enter and display up to 5
decimal places.
- Enhancements to Reports - Portfolio Summary Report -
can change date of report to an older date.
- Portfolio Summary Report - printing multiple
portfolios now sorted alphabetically by short portfolio name.
Print macros for Portfolio Summary Report and Cost-Basis report
for multiple portfolios.
- Minor changes - Export prices - can now export
adjusted prices. Gradient color direction displays correctly for
Version 2 Build 84 - August 17, 2001
- Dial Data download address changed.
- New updated database tables.
- Included conversion utility to convert version 1.0
tables to version 2.0 tables.
Version 1 Build 83 - May 13, 2001
- Bug fix: When importing/entering prices for a security,
sometimes adjusted prices would be reset to unadjusted prices
(no distribution correction for graphs).
- Minor enhancements: prices and adjusted prices for any
number of Master List entries may be reset (access via the
"Edit" menu). Restore screen made clearer. Some icons added to
some menu items.
Version 1 Build 82 - March 11, 2001
- Bug fix: "List Index Out Of Bounds" error occasionally
occurred when displaying graphs and when switching between daily
and weekly displays.
- New feature: Transaction tics when graph of security
displayed. Switching between portfolios enabled when graph
displayed, with refreshing of appropriate tics. User-defined
color of tics allowed, with storing of color between program
sessions. Transaction summary displayed at bottom of graph, and
transactions corresponding to tics may be viewed. Tics may be
left on graph while displaying other non-transaction information
at bottom of graph.
- New feature: Volatility Between Dates report from
- New feature: Moving Average Indicator report from
Version 1 Build 80 - January 12, 2001
- New feature: editing of prices of securities just in
active column of Master List (choose "Edit|Prices - Active
- New feature: deletes extraneous InstallShield files
from prior installations.
- New feature: UpdateMFI contains some additional steps
to make the download of updates successful for some users.
Also, old MFI.EXE is renamed to MFIOld.EXE before overwriting
with the new MFI.EXE, which allows for quick restoration in case
downloading MFI.EXE is unsuccessful. If that happens, just
delete any MFI.EXE and rename MFIOld.EXE to MFI.EXE.
- Bug fix: importing prices/distributions directly from
FundScope (short-term and long-term capital gains data now
recognized but added together as one capital gain).
- Bug fix: importing data or downloading data for
security without prior data entered. May have received errors
when trying to display graph or move date lines, now corrected
for future downloads. To correct data for existing securities,
highlight security and click on "Edit|Prices - Selected Entry",
display data for year data exists, then click "Save" button.
- Appearance change: Portfolio Summary Report. Decimals
now align in "Shares/Value" column.
Version 1 Build 79 - October 22, 2000
- Bug fix: When downloading distributions on more than
one fund from S&P Micropal, readjustment of prices on all funds
did not occur after entry of the distributions.
Version 1 Build 78 - October 15, 2000
- Bug fix: "Import Data, Prices, Distributions" did not
accept some displayed date formats.
Version 1 Build 77 - October 4, 2000
- Enabled direct import of prices/distributions from
- Bug fix: Ticker for Dial Data will now be accepted
whether or not Ticker stored in MFI is in upper or lower case.
- Bug fix: Because of screen resolution, dates lines on
graphs may occasionally disappear when date lines directly
adjacent to one another. Popup note alerts user when this
- Bug fix: Import of data in text files changed so that
broadest time interval checked for holes. This may slow down
import of data. Some users reported holes in imported data form
- Bug fix: Master List entries in columns 33 through 97
were not visible although could be accessed. This has been
Version 1 Build 76
- Enabled use of '+'/'-' keys when entering dates in
Portfolio Gain/Loss Report.
Version 1 Build 75
- First Windows version released July 5, 2000.
Below is a list of many of the features of the program. Ticker
symbols (used when downloading data from Dial Data) of thousands of
mutual funds and market indices are listed in the Help file that
comes with the program.
- Track any number of funds, variable annuities, stocks, and
market indices on a daily or weekly basis.
- Graphs for fund-to-fund performance comparisons between any
two dates, moving averages, volatility, momentum, relative
- Sophisticated portfolio management system with
numerous reports.
- Free sample data supplied.
- Haphazard data entry allowed. Enter data manually,
transfer data to or from another program, or automatically
download data over internet from Dial Data. Handles
distributions easily for adjusting prices.
- Prints all data and graphs.
- Easy data Backup/Restore system included.
Example Screens
Click on any screen to display a larger view.